Header image of an old lady with the title "More Life, Less Stuff"

More Life, Less Stuff

Ann Arbor's campaign to inspire the community to use less stuff and connect with the world around us.  

On Earth Day 2024, the City of Ann Arbor and the Ecology Center launch the More Life, Less Stuff Campaign.

The More Life, Less Stuff campaign arose from a year-long community engagement initiative where the Ecology Center and the City of Ann Arbor met with a diverse group of Ann Arbor community members and discussed motivations and barriers to waste reduction activities like reuse, recycling, and composting. In all of our conversations, we heard two central themes: community members wanted to see reducing waste lifted up as a shared community value, and they wanted to spur an ongoing discussion about how to reduce waste while bettering our lives and strengthening our connections to each other rather than acquiring more stuff. The More Life, Less Stuff campaign hopes to do both. 

What inspires you to use less stuff and connect with the world around you?

Through the More Life, Less stuff campaign, we aim to inspire our community to use less stuff and connect with the world around us. Through sharing meaningful stories and ideas, we hope to foster community connection and collaboration around experiencing more and wasting less. And, we're actively looking for story leads. If you've got an idea, please share it with us through this form. Thanks for joining us in this effort to make difference. 

Women resting on tree enjoying outdoors