Ann Arbor, MI - April 22, 2024, This Earth Day, April 22, 2024, the City of Ann Arbor, in partnership with the Ecology Center, is proud to launch the 'More Life, Less Stuff' Campaign. The campaign aims to inspire the community to break free from the burden of stuff and connect with the world around them.
To engage the community through storytelling and idea sharing about community efforts to make a difference by using less stuff and connecting with the world around us, the City of Ann Arbor and the Ecology Center are asking for story leads and ideas at Community ideas will be developed into stories and shared with the Ann Arbor area.
The More Life, Less Stuff campaign arose from a year-long community engagement initiative where the Ecology Center and the City of Ann Arbor met with a diverse group of interested Ann Arbor community members and discussed motivations and barriers to waste reduction activities like reuse, recycling, and composting. Through this effort, the central theme of all the conversations was that community members wanted to see reducing waste lifted up as a shared community value. They wanted to spur an ongoing discussion about waste and how to minimize it while bettering our lives and strengthening our connections to each other rather than acquiring more stuff.
More Life, Less Stuff is about connecting and inspiring us to make a difference for the benefit of individuals and the community.
The first story will be published in May and is about reducing food waste. It features Food Gatherers, an organization that redistributes food that would have been wasted to community members experiencing food insecurity. It is a powerful example of how food waste reduction can make a positive impact on people's lives by connecting them; this story connects people experiencing hunger, to people volunteering to alleviate hunger, to people looking to donate food instead of wasting it, to people whose jobs are dedicated to both food rescue and fighting hunger.
For more information, visit our website at Or contact Erica Bertram at [email protected]