Ambitious goals to electrify transportation, expand charging infrastructure key next steps
LANSING – A new Regional Electric Vehicle Midwest Memorandum of Understanding (REV Midwest MOU) has been signed by the state of Michigan, with groups applauding the action today and saying this would send a signal to the transportation industry the Great Lakes state is serious about investments in electrification and charging infrastructure.
The REV Midwest is intended to position the region to compete for new private investment and available federal funding related to vehicle electrification, with a focus on Medium and Heavy-Duty Fleets. More details are available on the state of Michigan website.
“With more than 100 models of electric buses, delivery vans, tractor trailers and more available on the market today, this compact shows Michigan is a key player when it comes to the future of transportation electrification and charging infrastructure,” said Jane McCurry, executive director of Clean Fuels Michigan. “Clean mobility can create good-paying jobs in our state. Michigan put the world on wheels and continues to be the hub for research and development, manufacturing and more. We need this compact, and for state and federal policymakers to pursue ambitious goals for electrification in the medium- and heavy-duty sector.”
Signing the compact comes during National Drive Electric Week and on the heels of several other major electric vehicle announcements by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, which include the creation of the nation’s first electrified roadway to charge vehicles on the move and the Lake Michigan Electric Vehicle Circuit, which will power vehicles touring one of the state’s best natural resources.
“We’ve seen automakers step up with electrification plans for both light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles and know that state government can do more to accelerate this transition and address pollution coming out of tailpipes everywhere – from your mail carrier’s delivery truck to the bus your child takes to school,” said Charles Griffith, Climate and Energy Program director at the Ecology Center. “Michigan’s leadership with this REV Midwest compact, and with its emphasis on the charging infrastructure that will be needed for heavy and medium-duty trucks, is a key step in helping us transition to cleaner transportation options that alleviate pollution-induced health problems, like asthma attacks. The next step is for policymakers to devote the funding needed to build out this infrastructure and to incentivize the purchase of zero emission trucks.”
“Transportation pollutes our air and water, harms our Great Lakes and contributes to climate change, which is why it’s important to have Michigan join this Midwest compact,” said Tim Minotas, legislative and political coordinator for Sierra Club. “People living near highways and other corridors where there’s heavy truck traffic are disproportionately impacted, and their health suffers. The state now needs to establish strong goals for electrifying these trucks and to move quickly toward cleaner transportation options that reduce these impacts significantly.”