Prefer solid wood materials over composite. When using composite wood, specify materials that are NAF (No Added Formaldehyde) or ULEF (Ultra Low Emitting Formaldehyde) whenever possible. Prefer products that are factory-finished.Avoid door hardware that contains antimicrobial treatments. Prefer products with full disclosure of content through Health Product Declarations (HPDs).
Proposed procurement goals:
- At least 80% of doors purchased by the municipality or used by contractors meet the HomeFree Green or Yellow level including formaldehyde emission limits of CARB Phase 2 and/or TSCA Title VI. Other composite woods meet formaldehyde requirements.
- Preference given to products with publicly available information to encourage the use of building products that are working to minimize their environmental and health impacts
- Material ingredients documentation demonstrating the chemical inventory of the product to at least 0.1% (1,000 ppm) with all content characterized and screened.
- HomeFree door hazard and rating system
- HomeFree Spec Guidance
- Toxic-Free Future's Healthy Materials Matrix provides guidance for purchasing healthier building materials.