Ann Arbor recycle bins

Recycling and Zero Waste

We're working to lead a movement toward a zero waste society.

Our role is helping effect a cultural transformation in the way we design, consume, and dispose of products, with a focus on "better, not more."

In 1970, we developed one of the country's first community-based recycling programs, and today we provide recycling and reuse services through our nonprofit subsidiary, Recycle Ann Arbor (RAA). RAA collects curbside recyclables in Ann Arbor, and runs the Drop-Off Station, ReUse Center, and the Recovery Yard, allowing households and businesses to recycle or reuse their unwanted items.

Today we seek to reduce and eventually eliminate waste from the material economy so that all products are reused, repurposed, recycled– or not even created in the first place. In this field, our direct services are provided in Ann Arbor and southeast Michigan– and our education and advocacy efforts have a broader scope.