
13 Results Found
New Health Concerns Over Synthetic Playing Fields
By Sarah Okeson Toxic PFAS “forever chemicals” that are associated with cancer and birth defects could lace the artificial turf playing fields that our nation’s athletes compete on in football, rugby…
Toxic "Forever Chemicals" Infest Artificial Turf
For Immediate Release: Thursday, October 10, 2019 Washington, DC — The toxic chemicals used in fire retardants and non-stick cookware have been found in artificial turf carpet, according to Public…
Sports Fields Procurement and Maintenance
Other considerations beyond those covered here, including the impact attenuation performance of materials, must be considered before choosing a material. Proposed procurement goals: Eliminate crumb…
The (Artificial) Grass Is Not Greener
by Melissa Cooper Sargent Back-to-school time is also back-to-sports time. Pack the snacks, grab the water bottles, toss the chairs and blankets in the car, it’s go time! You are ready to settle in to…
Playground Surfaces
According to the Children’s Environmental Health Network, the seven most common surface/filler materials for playgrounds are: pea gravel, sand, bark mulch/ wood chips, engineered wood fiber, crumb…
Lawn & Garden
An expanse of turf maintained to golf course standards has become the image of the ideal American lawn. How our yards look is important. But how important? Important enough to use chemicals that warn…
Playgrounds Should Be Fun and Toxic-Free
Poured in Place (PIP) playground surfaces have become increasingly popular for children’s play areas. You know the ones. They are bouncy and brightly-colored, oftentimes with playful patterns. These…
Community-Based Science
Partnering with Impacted Communities for Transformative Change The Ecology Center has partnered with communities impacted by pollution for over a decade. Through community-based science, we help…
In the News
We believe that the central question of our time is how human beings are going to thrive in the world without destroying the earth's ability to sustain us. In the face of enormous environmental…
Sustainable Purchasing Fact Sheets
Ecology Center and Safer States’ Sustainable Purchasing Fact Sheets highlight sustainable purchasing options for high volume, high impact products. They are designed to help cities, counties, and…