Sustainable System

STEP 3. Implementing a Policy

Audience: Procurement Professionals, Sustainability Professionals, Environmental Advocates, Community Members and Leaders

Focus: Addressing priority products and chemicals of concern

Securing some near-term sustainable procurement wins will help create momentum and demonstrate value. There are a variety of options for low-hanging fruit related to safer chemicals and products. Our focus is on making it as easy as possible for procurement staff to address the issue by providing ready to use contract language and specifications. A number of these example specifications also cover issues related to recycled content, energy use reduction, and zero waste goal.

Procurement Guides & Specifications

Building Products and More

Healthy Building Network's HomeFree Database

HomeFree raises awareness of toxic building materials and their associated health hazards. The database can help you make informed decisions to procure less toxic building products.

Healthier Buildings Guide

Version 1, October 2015. A public procurement guide to safer products for new construction and existing buildings. 

Building Clean

Database to find local, energy efficient products. 

Child Care

Child Care Checklist

Getting it right from the start. A checklist for new child care providers to avoid common sources of toxic chemicals.

Cleaning Products

Safer Disinfectants for COVID-19

SF Approved, the collection of products that meet the City of San Francisco's model standards, has a database of disinfectant products that are effective at battling communicable diseases like COVID-19 and contain safe active ingredients. This site is updated regularly. 

Safer Disinfectants to Protect Against Coronavirus

March 2020. Responsible Purchasing Network has identified cleaning and disinfecting products on the EPA's List N (a list of cleaning products that have qualified for use against COVID-19) that are safest for protecting human health and reducing toxic risks to the environment.  

Safe and Effective Cleaning and Disinfecting Slides

Oregon Metro's slides from the November 2020 webinar, Sustainable Procurement in the Time of COVID. These slides highlight how to find healthier and safer cleaners and disinfectants. Links to web sources related to these slides can be found in the Cleaning and Disinfecting Resources document. 

Guidance to Achieve Safer Chemicals Challenge for Green Cleaning 

Version 2.0, December 2016. This document provides guidance for hospitals working to meet the requirements of the Green Cleaning goal of the Healthier Hospitals Safer Chemical Challenge.

Specifications and Criteria for Disinfectants and Sanitizers

Specifications and criteria for disinfectants and sanitizers from the State of New York.

Janitorial Cleaning Products Bid

This request for quotation (RFQ) from Alameda County, CA provides example criteria and contract language for a janitorial cleaning products bid. 

Cost Savings and Cost Neutral

Justifying Sustainability Through Cost Savings Slides

Maryland Department of General Services's slides from the November 2020 webinar, Sustainable Procurement in the Time of COVID. These slides highlight quantifying the benefits of sustainable procurement in terms of cost savings. Links to web sources related to these slides can be found in the Cost Savings Resources document. 

Ann Arbor Green Purchasing Slides

These are slides from used in the November 2020 webinar, Sustainable Procurement in the Time of COVID. These slides highlight the case study of installing LED streetlights in Ann Arbor, MI. A white paper about the streetlight program can be found here.

How Sustainable Purchasing Saves Money

A factsheet from Ecology Center on how sustainable purchasing can be cost-neutral or cost-saving. 


EPEAT for Procurement

EPEAT is a global ecolabel program for electronics. The Green Electronics Council manages the program which provides independent verification of manufacturers’ sustainability claims. The EPEAT online registry lists sustainable products from many different manufacturers. EPEAT for Purchasers has many other resources for municipal, institutional, and state purchasers. 

Firefighting Foam

GreenScreen Certified Firefighting Foam

GreenScreen Certified is the first ecolabel for PFAS-free firefighting foam. Products are certified at one of three levels--Bronze, Silver, or Gold--reflecting a progression towards safer products. The certification level is based on a hazard screening to identify chemicals of high concern and chemical hazard assessment scores. Certified firefighting foams can be found on the GreenScreen database


Healthy Carpet Guidance for Manufacturers

November 2019. Environmental attributes for healthy flooring in healthcare.

Healthy Carpet Criteria

December 2019. Condensed 2-page guide for environmental attributes for healthy flooring. 

Resilient Flooring Technical Specifications

Resilient (hard surface) flooring technical specifications for use in invitations to bid and request for proposals created by Center for Environmental Health. The requirements in this model technical specification align with Health Care Without Harm's criteria. 

Carpet Technical Specifications

Carpeting technical specifications for use in invitations to bid and request for proposals created by Center for Environmental Health. The requirements in this model technical specification align with Health Care Without Harm's criteria. 

Healthy Flooring Purchasing Guide

December 2019. Spreadsheet of flooring products that comply with Health Care Without Harm and Center for Environmental Health's criteria and model specifications.

Product Lists that Meet the Healthy Flooring Criteria

This website provides lists of products that meet Healthcare Without Harm's Healthy Flooring criteria. 

Improving Health Through Healthier Carpeting and Resilient Flooring

December 2019. Webinar from Center for Environmental Health and Health Care Without Harm about healthy carpet and resilient flooring. Slides are available here

Center for Environmental Health's Carpeting and Flooring Resources

The Center for Environmental Health has resources for sustainable procurement of carpeting and flooring, including specifications and webinars.

Food Service Products

Healthier Food Serviceware Choices

Single-use food containers are often treated with chemicals known as PFAS (per and polyfluoroalkyl substances) to make them water and grease resistant. This infographic provides recommendations for PFAS-Free foodware options.

Center for Environmental Health's Database of Single-Use Food Service Ware Products Tested for Fluorinated Additives

A dynamic and regularly updated database of single-use food ware products tested for fluorinated chemicals. 

Purchasing Safer Compostable Food Service Ware 

How to avoid fluorinated chemicals in compostable service ware.

Food Service Containers and Wrappers

State of New York specifications for foodservice containers and wrappers.

Center for Environmental Health Report: Avoiding Hidden Hazards

A purchaser's guide to safer foodware.

Single-Use Food Service Utensils Specifications

State of New York specifications on single-use foodware.

Standard for Reusable Food Packaging, Food Service Ware, & Cookware

Guidance document for GreenScreen Certified's foodware standard. 


Guidance to Achieve Healthier Hospitals Safer Chemical Challenge for Healthy Interiors

This document provides guidance for institutions and suppliers wishing to meet the requirements for the Healthy interiors goals of the Healthier Hospitals Safer Chemicals Challenge.

NASPO Guide to Environmentally Preferable Furniture

This guide, developed by the State of MN, Clean Water Action MN, and the Center for Environmental Health, will help furniture purchasers identify healthier furniture options without the use of formaldehyde, VOCs, antimicrobials, flame retardant chemicals, PVC, or fluorinated chemicals.

NASPO Furniture Products Database 2018

A database of environmentally preferable furniture products created as part of the State of Minnesota's Participating Agreement to join the NASPO office furniture contract led by the State of Utah. 

Product Lists that Meet the Healthy Interiors Criteria

This website provides lists of products that meet Healthcare Without Harm's Healthier Hospitals criteria.

Center for Environmental Health's Office Furniture Resources

The Center for Environmental Health has resources for sustainable procurement of office furniture, including webinars, reports, and specifications. 

Center for Environmental Health's Healthier Furniture Purchasing Guide

This searchable spreadsheet from the Center for Environmental Health was created to help purchasers identify safer furniture and fabrics.

Pest Management

Pest Management in Outdoor Spaces

New York State specifications for pest management in outdoor spaces.

Pest Management in Indoor Spaces

New York State specifications for pest management in indoor spaces.

Integrated Pest Management Contract

Sample language for a request for proposal (RFP) for an integrated pest management contract.

Product Packaging

State of New York Model Packaging Specifications

The actual packaging that a product comes in is important to consider as well in terms of purchasing. The State of New York has model packaging specifications to consider.

Sources of a Variety of Specifications and Lists of Products

Resource Guide to Less Toxic Product Purchasing

This guide contains a collection of model criteria and specifications, as well as other resources such as purchasing guides and databases. Resources are organized by product category and include a brief description and link for further information. 

PFAS-free Purchasing

A resource created by the Ecology Center and Safer States to guide PFAS-free procurement. The document includes a collection of tables that detail third-party certifications, criteria, specifications, guidance, and policies that restrict the purchase or use of PFAS.

San Francisco Approved

This website lists many different products in a diverse array of product categories that meet the City of San Francisco's model health and environmental requirements. 

New York State EO 4 Approved Specifications

New York State offers many specifications that meet their environmentally preferable purchasing policy via their website. 

Turf Maintenance and Lawn Care

New York State EO 4 Approved Specifications

New York State's approved sustainable procurement specifications for sustainable landscaping. 

NOFA Standards for Organic Lawn Care

6th Edition: 2017. Principles and standards of NOFA Organic Lawn Care Program. 

San Francisco Approved Fertilizer

Fertilizers that meet the city of San Francisco's model health and environmental requirements.